Dental care has gone to leaps and bounds but still, thousands of Americans suffer from tooth loss what an irony. This is because of tooth decay, gum diseases, and oral injury. For the last many years the only alternatives available for people are dentures and bridges. However, with so many scientific advancements, dental implants have come out to be the most popular modern technique for tooth replacement.
Dental Implant procedure:
Dental implant procedure may require a variety of specialists including a doctor who specializes in conditions of your jaw, mouth, and face (oral and maxillofacial surgeon), a periodontist specializes in treating structures that support the teeth, a prosthodontist who designs and fits artificial teeth and at times ENT specialist.
The first stage of the dental implant procedure is a complete x-ray, and 3D images taken of your teeth and jaws. Tell your doctor about any medical history and any medications you are going through. If you have any certain heart conditions your doctor may prescribe antibiotics before surgery to avoid any kind of teeth infections.
The next step is a creation of a personalized treatment plan. The plan is devised to address your teeth condition and is developed by a group of experienced and trained dental experts.
The next step is the placement of a titanium post into the socket of your bone. The jawbone starts growing around the titanium post as it heals and giving anchor to the post.
Once the dental implant is bonded, a connector post is fixed to the post for giving grip to the new projection securely. Then to create your new teeth, the dentist takes impressions of your bite. A replacement tooth made is known as Crown is fixed to the connector post.
Patients can also get attachments fixed over implant if they do not tend to place crowns individually.
The dental expert will then match the shade of your new teeth to the other teeth. Since the dental implant is attached to your jawbone you will always feel like natural teeth and function as other teeth.
can dental implants become painful?
Normally patients who undergo dental implants say it is very less discomforting as this is not during the procedure. The procedure is not at all painful as dentists use either general or local anesthesia to completely numb the area.
After the dental implant is over numbness goes off then, mild pain can be noticed. It is found that the patient rarely faces severe pain and this could be due to an improperly fitted implant or any other infection.
Patients may feel discomfort in the treated area, jaw, and face for at least ten days. Dentists prescribe antibiotics and painkillers to treat pain and swelling. On the third day from the procedure swelling and pain starts to decrease and on the 14th-day patient will not face any pain.