
Category Archives: Dental Implants

Dental Implants | Dentist Open Sunday Blog – Now Dentistry

What To Do With The Chip or Break a Tooth

Teeth are damaged in many ways and the damage could be slight or extensive depending upon the condition of teeth and injury. If the damage caused to teeth is major then you have to make a visit to your dentist and in case of minor injury, you can solve it at home.

In case of major injury quickly address the pain and protect your teeth and inside of the mouth from further injury.

Break a tooth:

If there is a break in the tooth first rinse your mouth with warm water right away to clean it. Then apply pressure to the area to stop bleeding and place a cold compress at the area of swelling.

Lose a tooth:

If the tooth has popped out completely from the mouth, use a gauze pad to hold it by the crown and then try to place it back into the socket if possible.

If the tooth appears to be dirty then rinse it with clean water. Don’t clean or scrub it with any other solution and don’t clean hard otherwise bits of tissue will mix in water.

If you are not able to put the tooth back in the socket place it in the glass of water, milk, or saline solution. Try to get to the dentist as fast as possible before 30minutes.

How to protect your mouth until you see a dentist:

If your tooth got a small chip, that case applies dental wax over the edge to keep it from slicing your tongue or affecting your mouth. This procedure is not recommended if you have a large chip or section of tooth missing.

OTC temporary kits that contain dental wax are available in drugstores.

Try to avoid chewing on the side with a damaged tooth and floss around the tooth to reduce pressure.

Injuries that need treatment and that don’t need treatment:

In case of injuries, any tooth can break down that range from slight cosmetic damage to serious injuries. Deep can run down to roots or from the tooth’s center to the pulp chamber, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue.

Cracks may not be visible, hiding inside the tooth or below the gums. Some of the chips or cracks may have no symptoms or symptoms that appear to be cavities, sensitivity or periodontal disease.

The deeper or wider range of cracks needs extensive treatment. A dentist can diagnose the damage with or without magnifying glass by performing a bite test or using a dental x-ray.

Cracks that might not need treatment:

Not every crack or chip needs treatment or some are quite common. Craze lines are small cracks that appear on enamel only or are common.

Cracks that need to see a dentist:

You will have to see the dentist in any case of small crack or chips because it is hard to tell the extent of damage caused to the tooth.

There are no home remedies to prevent further injuries to your teeth and mouth and the sharp edge of a cracked tooth can damage soft tissues of the mouth, causing more pain, infection, and costlier treatment.

In case of untreated damage, it could lead to a root canal, tooth loss, or other complications.

Dental Implants Or Root Canal: Which One Is Better?

For those of you who are confused between the best methods to substitute a compromised tooth, the choice is very clear. A recent study shortlisted two of the most popular treatment options –dental implants and root canals. Although both fare practically the same on success and survival rates, there are differences.

dental implants

A dental implant procedure requires tooth extraction followed by a couple of surgeries to fix a metal post within the jaw bone and attach a crown to the post. Surgeries can take up three or more visits to finish and are expensive in comparison to other methods. In root canal treatment, the main cause of tooth ache – inflamed pulp – is taken out and the tooth’s insides are then sanitized, filled and sealed. Root canals can normally be completed in a single visit and turn out to be lot cheaper than dental implants.

Since the roots and the nerves within the tooth are removed, they render the tooth weak, and susceptible to fracture. Therefore, in a root canal an onlay or a crown is made to cover the tooth. An onlay or a crown prevents the tooth with a root canal to break. The longevity of the crown or the onlay is based on how much of the tooth is left. So if a root canaled tooth had a big cavity that traveled under the gum line, there is a big possibility of the artificial onlay or crown to fall out or fail prematurely.

Hence, as per experts, if a tooth has a good chance to be restored, by all means it is best to undergo a root canal treatment. If not, undergoing dental implant treatment makes more sense for long term benefits. The prosthetic is worth every penny as it is bound to last for the rest of your life, especially if done by a skilled dentist in Baltimore.

How to Care For Your Dental Implants?

When it comes to tooth replacement, dental implants are one of the most popular choices. They provide cosmetic dentistry patients with a permanent solution for replacing broken or missing teeth. However, to keep your mouth healthy and to make sure the treatment lasts for a long time, you need to take special care of your artificial teeth. Here is the right process to keep these prosthetics in good shape:

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Immediate care:

Right after undergoing the procedure, factors such as good oral hygiene will help improve the success rate of your dental implant and help you avoid infections. Peri-implantitis is a common bacterial infection that can lead to implant failure. Apart from this, avoid eating hard foods for a week after surgery. You must also avoid smoking as much as you possibly can.

Cleaning the implants:

Dental implants require the same kind of attention as your natural teeth. Brush two times a day, morning and night.

  • Use a toothbrush with an angled handle to clean effectively around the entire implant. Also, move the brush in subtle small circles along the back, top and front of the implant.
  • It is advised to brush for two to three minutes.
  • Once done, take twelve inches of dental floss and maneuver the floss around the implant. Use the thread to hug the side of the prosthetic and take it all the way to the gum line.

Irrespective of the style, dental implants have to be checked every six months. This is done to make sure the prosthetic is functioning as it should. The dentist will analyze the tooth and search for any damage and make sure the post is firmly attached to the jaw bone, is properly fitted, and whether the nearby teeth are in good health. There are several dental implant clinics but we are different from them because we offer personal care to the patients.

Some of the patients may also be asked to get X-rays. Although implants have been designed to last for a very long time but they can experience corrosion like any other artificial prosthetic.

Dental implants have gained immense popularity over the past few years due to their high success rate (about 90-95 percent) and their resemblance to human teeth. However, it is extremely important to get these prosthetics from an experienced and reputed Baltimore Dental Care. Moreover, to make sure your implants last for a long time, make sure you follow strict guidelines as offered by your dentist.