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Dental Tips for Senior Citizen

You can help seniors develop good oral health habits by giving them tips on how to take care of their teeth. Senior’s teeth can be in jeopardy because of poor oral habits, so help them improve their understanding of the importance of dental care.

Research suggests that seniors are more likely than adults under the age of 65 to develop tooth decay and gum disease. This is likely because of the natural wear on their teeth, as well as changes in diet, medications, and other lifestyle factors can contribute to tooth decay or gum disease. Seniors who do not brush their teeth regularly or visit a dentist annually risk developing problems such as plaque build-up and periodontal pockets that lead to tooth sensitivity or pain when eating hot foods or cold drinks. The following dental tips for seniors are a few of how you can improve their oral health:

– Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush, preferably one with an angled head that is gentle on gum tissue

– Use mouthwash and rinse several times over the course of the day

– Floss once daily before brushing – Replace your toothbrush every three months or sooner if it becomes frayed or broken

– Floss between the teeth, never under them

– Use mouthwash and rinse several times over the course of the day

– Use fluoride toothpaste that contains fluoride to help protect against plaque and cavities

– Brush your teeth in the morning and evening to remove bacteria from your mouth

Other tips for senior dental hygiene:

– Mouthwash or rinse after every meal.

 – If you are going to drink soda, drink it without ice.

 – Floss daily between your teeth. Do not floss under the gum line.

 – There are many products you may use that can help with oral hygiene, but it is important to use these products as directed by a dentist.

– Brush between your teeth. Use a water pick or a soft brush and make sure you brush at least twice a day.

– It is very important to replace your toothbrush regularly. Replace it every 3 months or sooner if it becomes frayed or broken.

– If your teeth are sensitive to hot and cold, have trouble biting, or are uncomfortable while eating, see your dentist as soon as possible.


Dental floss is a type of thread used to remove food and debris from between teeth. Toothbrushes are typically used to clean teeth and the gums, but it is not uncommon for a person to use dental floss before or after brushing while in brushing their teeth.

The importance of dental flossing has been around since ancient times. Egyptians revealed in hieroglyphs on tomb walls they used a type of thread to remove food and debris from between teeth. In addition, Romans mentioned using string-like material for oral care nearly 2,000 years ago. Dental floss was also popularly mentioned by Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Portas in Europe during the late 1800s. Plastic dental floss was invented in 1936; however, removing material between teeth with a string certainly did not die out after this time. The necessity of protecting one’s teeth from decay and gum disease is still important today. Dental floss can help prevent plaque and gingivitis from forming on teeth and gums. It is also used to remove food build-up between teeth, which can lead to tooth decay.

It is also important for people who have dental implants to use dental floss because it helps protect them from gum disease and helps them clean their implants after brushing.

How to use dental floss:

To use dental floss, it is recommended that a person should brush their teeth with toothpaste and then, using their right hand, wrap it around the middle finger. It should be wrapped tightly enough to ensure that the thread will not slip out of the person’s fingers. The right hand should then pull back until the string is tight against the palm. Then a person would use their left hand to pull out on one end while they push in on the other end of dental floss just before coming into contact with teeth or gum tissue. One can use pressure at any point in this process to remove plaque and debris from between teeth and gums. A person should begin with the right side of the mouth, since this is where most people find plaque and debris. Usually, it is recommended that a person use dental floss once per day in order to remove the remaining material so as not to get too used to it. It is also a good idea for someone to use flossing techniques other than pulling it out from between teeth. This way, more areas of the mouth can be cleaned and one does not tire out of their hands by gripping floss tightly for a long time.

Options for Replacing a Missing Tooth

The treatment options for replacing a missing tooth vary depending on the cause of the tooth’s loss. If the tooth is lost because of trauma, then it should be replaced as soon as possible. However, if a patient’s dentist has already removed the tooth due to gum disease or decay, then he/she should wait until all other treatments have been completed before having a new permanent crown created by a dental laboratory. If a patient loses a tooth because of trauma, then he/she will have to have it replaced by a dental laboratory.

Dental implants:

Dental implants are permanent tooth-like replacements that are surgically placed in the jawbone and secured in place by screws. The roots of the transplanted teeth connect to the natural teeth with a bacterial coating. Dental implants provide a more secure and aesthetic solution for patients than conventional bridgework for missing teeth. An alternative to dental implants is removable dentures, which are removable prosthetic replacements that are secure to the gums by being held on with wire or by suction cups.

A dental implant is composed of an artificial root made from titanium or another metal alloy inserted into the jawbone where it will live permanently as one of your natural teeth while a crown will be created on top of it so that you can look and feel the same as you did before. A dental implant is surgically placed in the jawbone, where it serves as a natural root and a bridge between the missing tooth and your neighbouring teeth. It is then secured in place by screws that also serve as anchors for the crown so that you can look and feel normal. Dental implants not only restore your smile, they also improve overall dental health.

Removable dentures:

Removable dentures are a type of denture that can be removed and put in the mouth. They cannot be “bitten” on and so must be held by suction to stay in place. A person with removable dentures often has teeth in the upper and lower jaws.

If you’re considering getting dentures, removable dentures are often good for people that have enough remaining teeth to grip the denture in their mouth. Those that wear a dental implant can also use removable dentures because they allow them to speak or chew food.

Fixed Bridge:

Missing teeth can be replaced with artificial ones using a fixed bridge. The bridge is attached to two implants. The implants are implanted into the jawbone on either side of the missing tooth.

A dental bridge is placed over your upper or lower teeth. It can be held in place by metal clasps or, if the artificial teeth are bonded to your natural teeth, it will. It is a lasting solution and will last for many years if properly cared for. There are two types of dental bridges: implants and bridges, supported by teeth.

Root canal:

Root canals are primarily used to manage the pain of a diseased tooth, but they can be used for teeth with severe damage such as a fracture.

After removing the infected tissue from inside the tooth and shaping a space for filling, we use instruments to clean and disinfect the root canal. The last step is placing an endodontic filling in the prepared space.


If you are only missing one tooth, you could get a front-piece. A temporary replacement for one’s natural teeth comprises a plastic tooth attached to a metal frame. A temporary alternative for one’s. With this in mind, the phrase “temporary filler” seems out of place.

This is removable, and can be worn while you. They offer a reasonable durability and they are cheap, easy-to-use options.